Întrebări frecvente
Have you found a mistake, inaccuracy or ambiguity in some exercise?
We will appreciate if you write us about it. To be able to correct the mistake we need detailed description of the problem and identification of the exercise. The best way is to write us directly from the page with the exercise.
Do you have problems with playing sound?
Free download and installation of the latest version of Flash Player should help.
Do you have problems to work out some exercises?
You have probably proceeded in an incorrect way. Please read the Detailed Instructions (the green button in the right upper corner) carefully. There you will learn how to technically work with the relevant type of exercise, i.e. how to use the mouse or the keyboard.
If you cannot fill in the text in some exercises, because there is no cursor in the text window, they must be so called "dragging" exercises. It is not possible to fill in words using keyboard in the exercises of this type, you can only drag the words (from the upper menu) using your mouse.
In "pairing" exercises you always work with the right column only. Always drag the item from the right column next to the corresponding left column item. Drag it to the right part of the relevant row.
Your results (completed exercises) have not been saved?
User data is automatically saved only to registered users. We recommend you register and then log in to the created account during every learning session.
Was your solution marked as wrong, whereas the recommended correct solution looks identical?
The evaluation is done by computer not by a real teacher. Every character that does not correspond to the specified correct solution (including spaces, commas or full stops) is analyzed as a mistake. Full stops or question-marks are already completed in some exercises. If you write them once more it will be analyzed as a mistake. The problem can also be with the writing of special characters. If you for example, write an apostrophe like inverted commas or if you make spaces around the apostrophe, it will be evaluated as a mistake. If you really cannot see any difference, write us directly from the relevant exercise page.
The entrance test cannot be completed?
You probably went through the test by clicking the exercises numbers. It is necessary to pass the test using the green arrow in the right upper corner. In this way all exercises will be gradually evaluated and the test will be correctly completed.
The course malfunctions on Apple computer?
Online courses are not fully compatible with Apple computers yet.
The course malfunctions with Opera explorer?
Online courses are not fully compatible with Opera explorer yet. So far we know of the problem with filling in the introductory questionnaire. If you encounter some other problems, please let us know. We recommend using Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox until the problems are solved.
The course malfunctions with Google Chrome explorer?
Google Chrome explorer is currently released in beta-version. Therefore it can malfunction. We know about problems with the evaluation of "dragging" exercises. Although you complete the exercise correctly, your solution is marked as wrong and you get a "0%" score, whereas the recommended correct solution looks identical to yours. If you encounter some other problems, please let us know. We recommend using Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox until the problems are solved.
How should I write an apostrophe in English?
You have the following possibilities: 1. Select the English keyboard and press the key between Esc and TAB. 2. Select the English keyboard and press the key above the right SHIFT. 3. Type shortcut key ALT+039. 4. Type shortcut key ALT+096.
Notice: If you write an apostrophe like inverted commas (2 commas at the top) or if you make spaces around the apostrophe, it will be evaluated as a mistake. If you write an apostrophe correctly and the sentence is still evaluated as wrong, the problem will probably be in something else, such as in missing punctuation.
How should I write special German characters?
Solution: You have two options.
a) Select the English keyboard and enter the characters by pressing the ALT key and typing the relevant numerical code:
ß = ALT 0223
Ä = ALT 0196 ä = ALT 0228
Ü = ALT 0220 ü = ALT 0252
Ö = ALT 0214 ö = ALT 0246
b) Set up a German keyboard and type the characters using this keyboard. To set up a keyboard proceed as follows (valid for Windows 2000 and XP):
1. Select Start > Settings > Control Panel > Keyboard
2. Click the upper tab "Input Locales".
3. Click (Add...) button and select the required language.
Select the required keyboard in the menu that appears after clicking the icon with the language abbreviation (e.g. EN for English, DE for German, etc.) in the right part of the Task bar (Systray).
To see the layout of the characters on the keyboard select Start > Programs > Accessories > Accessibility > On-Screen Keyboard.
How should I write special French characters?
Solution: You have two options.
a) Select the English keyboard and enter the characters by pressing the ALT key and typing the relevant numerical code:
ç = ALT 0231 Ç = ALT 0199
à = ALT 0224
è = ALT 0232
â = ALT 0226
ê = ALT 0234
î = ALT 0238
ô = ALT 0244
û = ALT 0251
ù = ALT 0249 Ù = ALT 0217
b) Set up a French keyboard and type the characters using this keybord. To set up a keyboard proceed as follows (valid for Windows 2000 and XP):
1. Select Start > Settings > Control Panel > Keyboard
2. Click the upper tab "Input Locales".
3. Click (Add...) button and select the required language.
Select the required keyboard in the menu that appears after clicking the icon with the language abbreviation (e.g. EN for English, DE for German, etc.) in the right part of the Task bar (Systray).
To see the layout of the characters on the keyboard select Start > Programs > Accessories > Accessibility > On-Screen Keyboard.
How should I write special Spanish characters?
Solution: You have two options.
a) Select the English keyboard and enter the characters by pressing the ALT key and typing the relevant numerical code:
¡ = ALT 0161
¿ = ALT 0191
Ñ = ALT 0209
ñ = ALT 0241
b) Set up a Spanish keyboard and type the characters using this keybord. To set up a keyboard proceed as follows (valid for Windows 2000 and XP):
1. Select Start > Settings > Control Panel > Keyboard
2. Click the upper tab "Input Locales".
3. Click (Add...) button and select the required language.
Select the required keyboard in the menu that appears after clicking the icon with the language abbreviation (e.g. EN for English, DE for German, etc.) in the right part of the Task bar (Systray).
To see the layout of the characters on the keyboard select Start > Programs > Accessories > Accessibility > On-Screen Keyboard.
How should I write special Italian characters?
Solution: You have two options.
a) Select the English keyboard and enter the characters by pressing the ALT key and typing the relevant numerical code:
à = ALT 0224
è = ALT 0232 È = ALT 0200
ì = ALT 0236
ò = ALT 0242
ù = ALT 0249
ó = ALT 0243
b) Set up a Italian keyboard and type the characters using this keybord. To set up a keyboard proceed as follows (valid for Windows 2000 and XP):
1. Select Start > Settings > Control Panel > Keyboard
2. Click the upper tab "Input Locales".
3. Click (Add...) button and select the required language.
Select the required keyboard in the menu that appears after clicking the icon with the language abbreviation (e.g. EN for English, DE for German, etc.) in the right part of the Task bar (Systray).
To see the layout of the characters on the keyboard select Start > Programs > Accessories > Accessibility > On-Screen Keyboard.