

    Kurzy DVPP

    • Podívejte se na kurzy DVPP, které jsme připravili pro šablony z výzvy 02_16_022/02_16_023 a 02_16_035/042
    • Kurzy jsou akreditovány MŠMT a přednáší je zkušení lektoři s dlouhou praxí ve společném vzdělávání
  • Have a look at our new e-learning products intended for learning and testing of foreign languages in companies, language schools and other institutions.
  • Do you want to become our partner? Are you an HR manager, a recruitment agency or a teacher? Do you run a language school or do you have an e-learning website?

    Then see our new e-learning for companies, language schools and partners and use our data for your business.

言語教育教材 75ヶ国語



Welcome to Your Free Online language Courses! Learn foreign languages with LANGMaster free language courses!

LANGMaster.com offers the world's most extensive free online language courses. We provide state of the art free courses in many language localizations. Study with us and enjoy 6,616 interactive exercises and tests, 928 chapters, 1,700 hours of learning, 49,808 sound recordings and 11,263 pictures and photos!

Unfortunately, some courses are not available in your native language.See more...


  • 400 hours of learning

Please select one of the following language versions: Deutsch, Еspañol, Česky, Slovensky, По-русски, Français, Italiano, Polski, Tiếng Việt, Türkçe, Lietuvių, 文言.


  • 210 hours of learning

Please select one of the following language versions: English, Deutsch, Еspañol, Česky, Slovensky, По-русски, Italiano, Polski, Türkçe, Lietuvių.


  • 400 hours of learning

Please select one of the following language versions: English, Еspañol, Česky, Slovensky, По-русски, Français, Italiano, Polski, Türkçe, Lietuvių.


  • 240 hours of learning

Please select one of the following language versions: Česky, Slovensky.


  • 210 hours of learning

Please select one of the following language versions: English, Deutsch, Česky, Slovensky, По-русски, Français, Italiano, Polski, Türkçe, Lietuvių.

Online EuroEnglish Course

  • 55 hours of learning

Please select one of the following language versions: Česky, Tiếng Việt.


  • 240 hours of learning

Please select one of the following language versions: English, Deutsch, Еspañol, Česky, Slovensky, По-русски, Français, Polski, Türkçe, Lietuvių.


リスニングとトーク(リスニングと発音 センター)






あなたのウェブサイト上に」週のダイアログを設置することにご興味がありますか? お問い合わせ下さい。

e-Learning for companies, language schools and partners

Language training for your SCORM compatible Learning Management System (LMS).

Extensive courses of English, Spanish, German, Italian and French, Listen and Talk, RE-WISE (in preparation) and eTestMe.com.

eTestMe.com - 言語テストのためのLANGMasterプラットフォーム



RE- WISE(単語やフレーズを学習) - 準備中


インターネットコミュニティが作成した用語集から単語やフレーズを学びます。また、他の仕様オープンラーニングイニシアティブ に応じ修正した独自の用語集を加えることができます。

If you do not find an answer to your question in the Frequently asked questions, send us your ideas, comments or suggestions.