How to make money

How to make money

There are many ways how to make money on the and sites.

The main idea is, that thanks to the free courses, people and companies in your country will learn about your company and about your website, and as a result they also learn about all the other offers and products that can make you money. You know the market in your country better than we do and I believe you will be able to find the appropriate business model which might perform well for you as well as for us.

In addition to already sent Business Opportunities (see or, you can inspire with our experience from the Czech market.

Czech Republic Case Study:

    In Czech Republic we do maximum to make use of marketing, business and PR potential of Thanks to the launch of free online courses, we are now in essentially better negotiating position. We can much more easily promote our business goals and strategies and we have found many new business partners.
  • on (the Czech version of we are having about 250.000 students which generated about 1.500 purchases with average sum of EUR 63 per purchase. So the conversion rate is about 0,6%
  • thanks to linking of with our site we have reached first positions in Czech search portals e.g. for e-learning as a key word.
  • our e-learning courses are presented on, which is the main portal with training courses, language courses, workshops and seminars in our country
  • thanks to our sites we have better position in B2B business and we are more often contacted by companies that are interested in our language courses. We made some good deals with such big corporations as Czech Airlines, GE Money Bank, Microsoft Czech Republic, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, Skoda Auto, T-Mobile Czech Republic and many others.

RE-WISE – significant extension of a target group (paid application)

RE-WISE (vocabulary builder) has a potential to address much larger group of users than online courses itself. It is designed for all language students, regardless of the fact, where and how they study (in the language school, within compulsory education, as a self-taught person, etc.). It will contain a large amount of recorded words and phrases, acquired from the most common world language courses as for example Cambridge and New Headway (Oxford) for English or Themen Aktuell for German. The application will thus be usable separately (without online courses) and will be easily expanded with new vocabulary.

Information about RE-WISE method can be found at: RE-WISE

RE-WISE method has been, for already 15 years, essential part of our paid CD-ROM courses. Dozens of thousands of users all over the world use our RE-WISE method in their study.

As an example of our PR, please, see the site: Wrote about us

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