Self-study supplements

Basic principles of Self-study supplements:

Our experience shows that corporate clients tend to be conservative in the field of language learning. Only a small percentage of companies are able to accept e-learning and blended learning. We have therefore prepared a concept of self-study supplements, which can enrich traditional corporate language learning with some e-Learning aspects.

  • E-Learning enriches (does not replace) conventional learning
  • E-Learning is targeted mainly for self-study.
  • E-Learning is tailored to your curriculum and contains data from the language textbooks you use.. We have used the open platform Open learning initiative , which allows the use of data corresponding to the content of full-time teaching. Many resources are already covered by a linguistic community. They can be immediately used in Listen & Talk, Sounded Text and RE-WISE.
  • E-Learning is used in those areas where it adds value and not in the areas where traditional full-time teaching is preferable. Suitable areas: listening and pronunciation practice, memorizing of words and phrases, etc.

Listen & Talk (Center za slušno razumevanje in izgovorjavo)

Za izboljšanje vašega slušnega razumevanja in izgovorjave smo pripravili nekaj sto ur kakovostnih posnetkov z rojenimi govorci.

Izkoristite slovarčke, ki jih je pripravila spletna publika, in izboljšajte svoj sedanji način učenja tujih jezikov. Svoj lastni slovarček, prirejeni po specifikaciji, lahko ponudite tudi drugim Open Learning Initiative.

Dialog tedna

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Vadite slušno razumavanje v angleščini, španščini, nemščini, francoščini ali italijanščini.

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